021: A scary reminder about backing up (Bonus Midweek Episode)

There’s lots of horror stories in IT, don’t let your story be one of them.

Happy Halloween guys, I thought it was time for a quick midweek reminder.

Computers are fairly cheap, your data is precious. I’ve had way too many sad users that I can’t help, most of whom would have been saved by a good backup. If you do have a backup, have you tested it? Can you actually access and restore current files?

I know an organisation that had been dutifully rotating its
backup drives weekly for five years. Thankfully the admin decided to test the content one day and found that the data on the drive was three years out of date. The copy process had broken down and no one had checked.

Thankfully a disaster was averted in this case. I’ll have a full episode or two on backup soon but between now and then, stop and think
carefully about your data and what would happen if it disappeared.

I’ve personally raked through the ashes of a burnt-out home business and found what I think was the backup drive in beside the computer.

Unfortunately, they were both just a molten mess of metal and plastic.
Don’t let the zombies eat your computer’s brains.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe and leave a comment below with
your computer Horror Story, and have a great day.

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